Our Mission is Simple
East Wind Nut Butter’s mission is to provide simple,
wholesome foods to support our community and yours.
Here at East Wind we like to keep things simple: every one of our products contains two ingredients or less. From our founding in 1981, we’ve never used preservatives, sweeteners, stabilizers, or artificial flavors in any of our nut butters. We mill everything in small, artisanal batches so it’s always fresh and always the highest quality.
When you buy our nut butters, you’re supporting East Wind Community, an intentional community of over 50 people living and working together cooperatively. Through our business we are able to provide for our needs, care for each other and the land, and serve as an example of an alternative, egalitarian lifestyle. East Wind is, and has been, a home to many over its 50 years, and we strive to continue its legacy for years to come.
We value simplicity, integrity, health, and connection. These values drive our work at East Wind and allow us to build community not only with each other, but with our customers and partners.
By working with us here at East Wind, you are supporting our mission and our community. We hope to support your community by providing delicious, nutritious nut butters.
From our community to yours,
East Wind
We look forward to building connections with you.
Check out our Blog to read exciting news and updates from East Wind Nut Butters